Sockaholic. Wing lover. Fluent in Lolcat. Cupcake enthusiast. User of dots and dashes. Writer of fantasy romance. Published with Samhain Pub and also with Forever Yours. I am Hailey Edwards.
Since many questions and some incorrect statements made by others occurred, BookLikes would like to clear things up. Here are several points that supplement and explain BookLikes Community Guidelines, which are still valid and in force.
Each BookLikes member receives personal webpage with Blog, Shelf, Timeline which can be edited and personalized in particular tabs in Settings and Customization tab.
Each BookLikes member is administrator and has access to admin mode of his/her webpage and Dashboard once he/she signs up and then logs into service. Public view of webpage is available with individual address You can also use your own domain with no fees.
Each administrator is responsible for content published on his/her site.
Dashboard is a place where you see writings and bookshelf updates of people you follow.
BookLikes Community can be found on Explore page. Blogs are put into categories. You can edit and change your categories in Settings/Blog.
It is the BookLikes member who decides who to follow (and see writings on Dashboard) and who to unfollow. It is the BookLikes member who decides how his/her webpage will be categorized on Explore page.
You can publish review, text, photo, video, URL of your choice and complement it with a book/books (up to 10). Inspiring and well written reviews are always encouraged, welcome and may be promoted.
You can create posts and publish them on your webpage, however, if BookLikes members find it assaulting or violating they can block the user who might be removed from Follower list. This means that the person with inappropriate texts might receive lower priority and may not be presented in Explore page where we present BookLikes Community.
All users who assault or harass other BookLikes members may be blocked by BookLikes users and reported to BookLikes Team. Each complaint will be evaluated by BookLikes Team who can decide whether to block a given user or not. If user's behavior is inappropriate he/she can receive Ghost status, his/her rates and reviews will not be counted to overall book statistics and will not be promoted on BookLikes pages visible for all members: Explore Page, Dashboard, Book Page. Users who follow member with Ghost status will still view his/her writings on Dashboard. BookLikes will not unfollow anyone from your Following list.
No text, review or any other post will be removed from personal webpage. Inappropriate and assaulting texts can be hidden from BookLikes Community Dashboard but will stay on personal public blog. Remember that opinions in posts are those of the post's author and not
No text, review or any other post will be removed from personal webpage even when user received Ghost status. Ghost status refers only to pages of BookLikes Community, not personal webpages.
Comments under posts can be moderated by author of the post. Author of the post can delete comments if he/she finds comment inappropriate.
You can import books from Goodreads (export your library to csv file),LibraryThing (export your library to csv file), Lovely Books and Lubimy czytać in Settings/Import. You can also sync your Goodreads account with your BookLikes profile - then books and reviews published on BL will be also visible on GR.
BookLikes Team releases new feature once a week every Thursday. All updates and news can be followed on BookLikes Blog and our social media. If you have any questions, requests, suggestions or concerns, just mail us. We're open to new ideas and appreciate all the feedback.
BokLikes Team will do it's best to keep the service a positive and friendly place for all kind of book lovers and authors. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question or concern.
Books and Readers on BookLikes - Official Statement
Our mission is to create the best place for book lovers on the web. We’ve been and still are creating BookLikes with and for our users and we believe that being frank and open is something crucial in every discussion, including book discussions. For that reason we strongly believe in freedom of speech and individual opinions and we’ll be sticking to those rules in our service. At the same time we would like to kindly ask you to respect other BookLikes users and readers, both in reviews and discussions. Positive, interesting and valuable discussion is something what will be promoted and welcomed on BookLikes. We would like to assure you that we won’t remove any content unless legal situation forces us to do so.
We’re aware that freedom of speech on the internet may be difficult and sometimes tricky.From time to time we experience harsh criticism and sometimes unfair and untrue opinions about ourselves and our service. This happens and can happen to everyone. What we are always determined to do is to face a charge and explain wrongful statements which often take origin from lack of knowledge or wrong assumptions. We would like to keep this rule on BookLikes as well.
However we want you to feel comfortable and safe on BookLikes. That’s why we have given you possibility of blocking other users - then they will not follow your writings or comment your posts. In very particular cases we may not share those posts among BookLikes Community if we consider them harmful and meaningless. Remember, though that we’re not interfering into your content on your private BookLikes websites as it is you who is responsible for published content there.
All data presented by BookLikes is done in accordance with the law. This refers to book information which follow Affiliate programs guidelines of particular book sources.
We would like also to confirm that BookLikes is independent, doesn't support or is linked in any kind with STGRB community, or any other.
Finally, we believe that we can create awesome community for book lovers from all over the world engaged into respectful and open book discussions. Remember that we’re building BookLikes with you, we are still curious of your ideas and suggestions and counting on your active participation in making BookLikes the best positive place for book lovers.
Thank you and one more time welcome to BookLikes :-)